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TA384 rigid tips

TA384 rigid tips

Pack of 5 replacement rigid tips

Product specifications

Brand Picotech


Passive oscilloscope probes

Our ergonomically designed passive oscilloscope probes are suitable for use with all major brands of oscilloscopes as well as the PicoScope range of USB Oscilloscopes. Passive probes don't require a power supply or batteries so are lightweight and easily portable.

Read our free guide: How to Tune x10 Oscilloscope Probes.

Replacement rigid probe tips, 5 pack

TA384 is a pack of 5 replacement rigid probe tips exclusively for TA375and TA386 probes. Simply unscrew the probe tip fitted to the probe, and screw in a new tip. 

If replacement sprung probe tips are required for these probes, the TA385pack of 5 sprung probe tips is also available.