The range of RadiGen EMC/RF signal generator plug-in cards are intended to be used in the RadiCentre (Pro) modular EMC test systems and are available in two models. The RGN2400A covers a frequency range from 9 kHz to 400 MHz and is mainly intended for conducted immunity test applications, like IEC61000-4-6, Mil.Std.461 CS-114 (BCI) or Automotive ISO11452-4 (BCI). The model RGN2006B covers a frequency range from 4 kHz to 6 GHz and can additionally be used for radiated immunity test applications, like IEC61000-4-3. The generator provides carrier signals from -70 dBm to +13 dBm with a frequency accuracy of +/- 1 ppm and supports different modulation types, like AM, FM and (Gated), Pulse modulation. The internal 10 MHz reference can be used as external reference source for other instrumentation.